"Chris Jones: Writer, Poet & Artist"

Where there's Light, there's Shadow

Book Cover

Where there's Light, there's Shadow
could be compared to a carnival freak
show, and is bound to attract people
with a taste for the bizarre and a
certain darkness in their hearts.
With flying carpets made from butterfly
wings, mirrors constructed from
owl eyes, and a monochrome rainbow
projected from sunlight shining
through acid rain, it certainly
has its fair share of freaks.
Contrasting light against darkness,
it mixes elements of science fiction,
horror, and fantasy. Where there's
Light, there's Shadow, is a speculative
poetry anthology with a surrealist twist.
The poetry calls out in siren songs
that echo over the dark waters
of the imagination.

So come to the carnival and feed
your dark desires.....

Picture of Dragon
Dragon Ink

Click on
the dragon to
learn more about
Chris Jones.

In the Winter of 2014,
Chris Jones, had the
first of four ink drawings
placed in Overland Magazine.
The ink drawings were to
advertise this site, and have
now become a part of it.

dragon with Japanese Characters

Enter the
Pumpkin Patch to
visit Overland.

Email Chris
if you are
interested in
owning a copy
of his book.